Thursday, January 14, 2010

Two days, and counting!

Well, it's 11:34 on Thursday, January 14th. And Sunday is approaching quickly.

This week has been crazy! Between family, friends, youth group and packing, it's been pretty full. Things have been going pretty smoothly though. I'm quite pleased!

So, lets back up a little... Last week was rough. I was really anxious, anticipating the stress of my last week at home. Saturday night I really broke down. I was very scared and worried about leaving the incredible people in my life. So I went to sleep. Sunday morning I was incredibly glad to be at church with God's people-that in and of itself always seems to be healing to me. Worship was really powerful, and once again Jesus left me breathless during our team's rendition of "Oh How He Loves Us". Pastor Burt's sermon was all about knowing where Jesus is in our lives. Do we assume that he's just there? Or are we intentionally looking to be where he is? Just what I needed to hear. I love when God does that. At the close of his sermon, Burt asked if there was something holding us back, or keeping us from being where God wanted us. For me, that was fear.

Fear has been something I've struggled with all of my life. Ever since I was little, I was afraid of the dark. Because of this, my mom painted 2 Timothy 1:7 on my wall. "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and of a sound mind." There was no way for her to know how much this scripture would impact the rest of my life. Growing up, I was very shy, very self-conscious, and unsure of who I was. Yet, throughout my darkest times God would keep reminding me of his promise to me: 'I have not given you a spirit of fear...' Over the last 2 years, I've finally learned how to let go of fear, and to truly put my trust in Christ. It was quite the journey, but God is so faithful.

So that brings us back to my story. On Sunday, Burt asked if those people-who were being held back or weighed down-wanted to be free of those things, and if so, then to stand up. I stood. 3 or 4 others stood also. Burt prayed, and I talked to Jesus. I simply said: "I don't want to be afraid anymore." I've said that so many times over the last 18 years, and just like every time before, Jesus took my fear.

This week has been incredible. I still have my moments where I realize the cost of following Christ, but I'm not afraid. I'm not unsure or anxious. I've never been more sure of anything in my life. Australia is where I'm meant to be, for this season of my life. And as long as I'm with the Lover Of My Soul, then I'm exactly where I need to be. So this is my goal, I want to be where Jesus is. Following Him is the adventure of a lifetime!

'I'll say goodbye to my mother, my father. Turn my back on every other lover and press on. Yes, I'll press on.'


1 comment:

  1. He is soooo faithful!!! Be strong and of good courage...

    Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened.” (Billy Graham)
