Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Recklessly Abandoned


So, for my first post I thought I expound a little on my blog name: Recklessly Abandoned.

When I was deciding on a blog name, I wanted to choose a name that would reflect not only who I am but also what I strive to be. I love the phrase "Recklessly Abandoned", it captures such a freedom and total surrender surrender that I want to have. I had never really thought about what it meant to be recklessly abandoned to anyone or anything until God turned my world upside down.

In October of 2007, I came to a point in my life where I realized what living for God really meant and the risks that came with it. I chose to completely trust God with my future and that he would be faithful to finish the work that he's started in me. Deciding to blindly follow Christ with no guarantees has been the best decision I've made. I've never been big on taking risks but this last year with Christ has completely changed who I am and I will never be the same. There's nothing more important than being in His will and embracing Him and all He has in store for me. I've grown so much in my spiritual walk and I've discovered how exciting life with Christ is. I've found such a freedom in letting go and giving God the reins.

Another thing that has changed in me, especially in the last year, is my personal relationship with Christ. I've completely fallen in love with him all over again... He's really shown me who he is and that he is everything that I need. He's captured my heart again and helped me see all the reasons I fell in love with him in the first place; he continues to sweep me off my feet every day.

Being Recklessly Abandoned is definitely a challenge, but is exactly what I want to be. I live to be desperately in love and recklessly abandoned to Christ.

1 comment:

  1. it's dad--i love the commitment that you have-not in words only but displayed in actions through your life. oh what God can do through one life fully surrendered to Him--we will rejoice with you!!!!!!! love you more than words can express!xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
