Well, I’ve been in Australia for 2 days now and it’s been an interesting journey already...
Day 1- I landed in Sydney around 9:00am on Tuesday the 19th. I made my way through customs and found my baggage, then went through more security checks. I did pretty good, the only thing they confiscated was a bag of trail mix. So I pushed my huge cart of luggage out of the airport and around to where the taxis are and found a taxi. The driver informed me that he didn’t know where the McDonalds was and that I should’ve gotten an exact address. He asked around and ended up taking me to the one across from the domestic airport, a couple miles away. After hauling my luggage around McDonalds, I looked for the school shuttle and didn’t see anybody. My phone was dead and the internet wasn’t working, so I borrowed someone’s phone to call the school. I had to wait an hour before I could talk to someone, who told me I was at the wrong McDonalds but arranged for the shuttle to pick me up where I was. Finally I got the internet to work and I phoned my parents to let them know I as alive. They were relieved. When the shuttle got there, I was much less stressed and finally started to get excited about being here. I got to the school and met a bunch of new students, who helped me drop my luggage off at my house and took me shopping for some essentials. Very nice people indeed. After realizing that there wasn’t wireless internet at the school or the house-or anywhere really-I started to panic. I didn’t have a phone that worked, my only communication didn’t work because I didn’t have internet access! I had my first breakdown in the middle of the shopping mall, where Latesha (a girl I’m living with) told me that everything would be fine, that everyone feels like this at first, and that they were there for me. I was so thankful to have such supportive people. So, to close the day, the girls took me to Max Brenner’s Chocolate Cafe, which was marvelous I must say! But I was exhausted and extremely emotional so I was anticipating sleep. Finally around 11:30 I was able to go to bed.
Day 2- I woke up and used Tesha’s computer to research some internet options. After being thoroughly discouraged by that, I called Mom. As soon as I heard her voice I started crying, just as I had done each time before, and told her that I didn’t know what to do about the internet. She encouraged me, told me I was doing great and that we would get things figured out. She’s such a good Mom. I talked to Dad and Clark, and I cried with them too. I was so homesick... Tesha took me and another new student shopping for some food and other necessities. I ended up finding a wireless broadband plan that was affordable and only a 12 month contract. I was practically jumping for joy in the mall! We came home and my mattress was delivered, so I set up my bed, unpacked and organized my stuff. It was starting to feel like home already. I did devotions and read 2nd and 3rd John, and there was a verse that really spoke to me. It talked about not losing or missing out on what you’ve worked so hard to obtain. And I felt like God was saying that I couldn’t let my sorrow or worry deprive me of the beautiful opportunity and life He’s given me here. He was so right. Last night we went to Powerhouse, which is the weekly gather for 18-25 year-olds, here at Hillsong Church. I stood, finally having arrived at Hillsong, singing the songs I’ve been singing for the last 6 months in anticipation of coming. And I knew that I was exactly where I needed to be. The speaker talked about The Making Of A Warrior, how they don’t give up, they need to step up, and they need to have a cause. They have to be willing to leave their surroundings, and choose to be set apart for Christ-It was just what I needed to hear. At the end, the speaker asked if there was something we were holding onto that we needed to let go of so we could step up and live out God’s call on our lives. For me, I was holding on to the past, to my family and friends, and the comforts of my surroundings. So I gave those things to God. I chose to let go of my uncertainties and instead, I’m choosing to trust in Him for all things. Whether that be food, transportation, comfort, or internet connection; He is a faithful God. He is faithful to finish was He’s started in me!
It’s 8:44am on Thursday morning, and today, Day 3, is 10 times better than Day 1. I’m sitting in my hammock, on our back patio, in Baulkham Hills, Australia. Finally, happy, excited, and ever so sure of God’s hand on my life and His spirit inside of me. And so, the adventure begins.
~ Jesus, I thank you for your faithfulness. You are my ever present help in times of trouble. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for me over these next 10 months. With you is where I belong, and I’ve never been happier to be running hand in hand with you, towards my destiny. Let’s do this! ~
So proud of you! You're off to a great start!
ReplyDeleteThanks Burt!