Tuesday, January 12, 2010

SUNDAY, MAY 31, 2009


I was just reading Andi's blog (she's so amazing) and I had seen where she had gotten in the habit of blogging five things she's thankful for each day and I thought it would be a good idea for me to do every once in a while. I hope you don't mind Andi, but you've inspired me.

1. Graduation- High School is over! I'm so glad to be finished. I know there's college and much more studying to be done but to know that this piece is completed is a tremendous relief.

2. My Mom- She is incredible. The graduation party she threw for me was ridiculously perfect. I will never be able to thank her enough for everything she's given me, I'm so thankful God gave me such an amazing Mother.

3. Friends- Yes, this is a broad term, but that exactly what I'm thankful for. The people that surround me seem to be the most wonderful people on the planet. Every time I hug someone from youth group, I immediately start tearing up and they wonder what's wrong with me. I'm just overwhelmed at God's love for us and our love for each other, these people have become so much a part of who I am.

4. Sleep- After an extremely long, eventful weekend, I took a much needed nap on this Sunday afternoon. I don't think I've ever loved sleep so much in my life. It's quite wonderful.

5. God's Faithfulness- He continues to prove just how marvelous He really is. This weekend has really made me reflect on the last several years, on where God's brought me from and where He's going to take me next. He is who He always has been and always will be. I'm astounded by Him once again.

It's 1:25 on Monday morning and sleep is beckoning.

'Oh praise the one who paid my debt and raised this life up from the dead.'

Jesus, you're everything I ever wanted. To say I'm overwhelmed by you would be an drastic understatement.

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