Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Loving Life and Learning to Adapt

TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2009


It was perfect. The people were perfect. I knew it was exactly where God wanted me. Since my trip to St. Stephen's, Canada last fall, I've been planning to attend the Institute of Contemporary and Emerging Worship Studies at SSU come September. But, as of last week, we were informed that, due to low enrollment, they have cut the ICEWS program. God does have a sense of humor doesn't He? So with that drastic change of plans, I've been doing a lot of praying and asking God where He wants me. I'm not freaking out, it's actually a bit exciting. I love living out of the palm of God's hand, there's nothing quite like it. And actually, there may be a reason I'm supposed to be here in little Cambridge, Ohio...

Within the last 3 1/2 months, our youth group has almost tripled. There's kids that are giving their hearts to Christ for the first time, starting over and renewing their relationship with God and being filled with the Holy Spirit. We've seen God to such a work in our teens, myself included. He is so faithful. Just last year I was talking to a friend about needing more young men in our youth group, now there are twice the number of guys than there are girls. I just love it when God does that. Right now we're working on a Youth Service, where the teens run everything from worship to the sermon, we'll also be doing some drama's and dances. It seems like all I do is church stuff, which is exactly what I love, so I'm thrilled to be so involved! Something else that has just blown me away is how much our youth have embraced and the modeled the love of Christ. I don't know another group of people that are as loving and affectionate as our group. Everyone says I love you when we arrive and when we leave, and no one dares to leave without a hug. It brings me such joy to see these kids who struggle with depression and rejection to feels so loved and also, be so willing to love others. A couple weeks ago while worshipping with my youth group, I had a moment with my creator...and I knew, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that this is exactly where I'm supposed to be for this time. Surely this is evidence that God is up to something... I can't wait to see what He has planned for our youth.

As for me, I recently have finished my debut worship album titled: "I'm Yours". It has 12 of my original songs that my Dad helped me record over the last 6 months. It's taken a good bit of time and just a little work, but it's definitely been worth the effort, I'm so glad to actually have a hard copy of what I've been working on during my senior year in High School. I'm excited to finally be graduating this year, and school has actually gone much faster than I had thought it would. Yes, I get a lot of "I told you so"s from my parents...

I wish I had the words to say how much I've changed and how much I've discovered about who I am, about who Christ is and about life. I'm the happiest I have been...ever. I've learned how precious family is and how valuable friendships are. I've learned to soak up every moment you have, live like tomorrow's not certain, because it's not. I live a day at a time, and find that to live simply is the best way to live. I am so free now, I've learned how to truly trust Christ with my life and by doing so He's allowed me to soar with Him. He's taken me places and showed me things I never thought I would get the chance to encounter. He's my best friend. It still astounds me that I am falling more in love with Him everyday. He's everything I ever wanted.

So, I'm living in today, Tuesday, May 19th. I'll be spending tonight with my beloved youth group, knowing that I'm surrounded with people that I dearly love, delighting in the fact that they also love me, and knowing that I am exactly where my God wants me.

All Of My Love~


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