Monday, December 6, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Tear Down The Walls
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Wings Like Eagles
Write what you see.
Write it out in big block letters
so that it can be read on the run.
This vision-message is a witness
pointing to what's coming.
It aches for the coming—it can hardly wait!
And it doesn't lie.
If it seems slow in coming, wait.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The Changing of Seasons
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
His Mercy Is New
Saturday, August 21, 2010
What's Happening In My Mind...
The Lord make His face shine on you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace."
Friday, August 13, 2010
It Is Well With My Soul

So...I completely forgot that I had a blog! I saw a friend’s blog and thought: ‘Oh my goodness!’ :) It’s been over 2 months since I posted anything, and so much happens in 2 months here at HILC. I’m not sure where to start, let’s see...
As of right now, I have less than 16 weeks left here in Australia. Thats right folks, I’m homeward bound! After lots of praying and seeking, I’ve very sure that after my year here, I’m meant to be back in my home church. As excited as I am to be home, each day I’m realizing how much I’m going to miss this place. This has been the most incredible 7 months of my life! It’s been a wonderful season, but seasons must change. Life is so bitter-sweet!
In other news, I’m 3 weeks into the 2nd semester, and it’s a whole new ballgame. It’s a bit more academically and musically demanding, but it’s going to stretch me spiritually, more than anything. And it’s wonderful! The classes have already been outstanding, and I get to write songs for my assessments, how much more wonderful can it get? This semester is already so different than the last. God did so much in me during the first 6 months, and my attitude and outlook are so much better. The peace that I have now is absolutely incredible. God just keeps blowing my mind! Anyways, I’m quite looking forward to what the next 14 weeks (end of the semester) brings. One of my subjects is Personal Evangelism, and that’s where the spiritual stretching comes in. It’s good though, I’m understanding that God likes to keep me uncomfortable... it’s necessary for growth. And growing is what I’m here for!
I wish I could tell you everything that God’s doing in me and around me... it’s truly indescribable. But instead of writing it all down, I have faith that when we meet again, you’ll see the change for yourself! I’m definitely looking forward to the ‘homecoming’ season, but I’m very content to be in this season of training and growth. I’m getting better about living in my ‘now’... it’s definitely the way to live. Actually, there’s nothing quite as satisfying. Here’s a quote that inspired me regarding this thought:
“Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. Let me hold you while I may, for it may not always be so. One day I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury my face in the pillow, or stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want, more than all the world, your return.” ~Mary Jean Iron
Life is good. My life, 10,000 miles away from home, is good. And I can finally say that and believe it without a shadow of a doubt. I can’t wait to see what God does next. This really is the adventure of a lifetime! Thanks for all the prayers and support. You guys are the best.
All My Love,
Friday, June 11, 2010
What is happiness?
Happiness is a rainy day.
Happiness is the windows down and the stereo up.
Happiness is an ocean shore in North Carolina.
...A sunrise and a cup of coffee...A convertible Mustang and Billy Joel.
Happiness is a good book & cup of tea.
Happiness is Denny’s at 3am.
Happiness is slow dancing on a frozen pond.
...A campfire, a guitar, and 30 friends singing at the top of their lungs.
Happiness is an authentic Italian restaurant and a Billy Joel & Elton John concert.
Happiness is new friends that seem like old ones...The Blue Mountains and road trips...
...An old pontoon boat and a muddy lake...A four-wheel drive truck and 3 feet of snow.
Happiness is laughing uncontrollably... Playing tag on horseback... Sleeping in.
Happiness is creating something no one’s ever heard...Singing harmony, and dashboard drumming.
Happiness is swimming in the dark, falling asleep in the boat, waking up and driving home at 6am.
...Corny musicals... a cappella duets... Diet Coke... Slippers.
Happiness is a homecoming football game...A high school dance... A teddy bear that smells like him.
Happiness is my great-grandmother’s piano... An old barn and a pool table.
Happiness is baking cookies and wrapping presents.... decorating the Christmas tree and a handmade nativity set.
...A can of deluxe mixed nuts... A scrapbook full of priceless memories.
Happiness is candlelight and a bubble bath... Sugar-free chocolate...
Happiness is a pair of old cowboy boots and horse that’s your best friend...
It’s your brother’s arms around you when you’re crying... And thinking that it was worth all the years of fighting... It’s sitting on his bed and telling him you’ve got a crush on his best friend...
Happiness is an country dirt road and an old farmhouse... A chinese restaurant... A church family...
...Watching Doctor Who and playing Quelf... Fourth of July & Superbowl...
Happiness is being independent...The Sydney Opera House... And saying ‘No Worries’... It’s finding out who you are... And making changes along the way...
Happiness is a moment... No matter how close or far away...
When you realize that God is good... And every breath is reason enough to smile.
So tell me, what is happiness to you?
Thursday, May 27, 2010
I've figured out...
Saturday, April 24, 2010
An Inheritance
Thursday, April 15, 2010
This Is Life
Saturday, March 27, 2010
The Cornerstone

Well I haven't posted anything lately-sorry about that. Things have been crazy here! Let's see...
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
My Cause and God's Faithfulness
My Cause effects the decisions I make on a momentary basis. I decide in the conversations I have, the way I greet and look at people, the way I act or react--they’re all done with the intent to accomplish My Cause.
My primary role in fulfilling my cause is to be the love of Christ to others. To be patient, kind, understanding. I think worship is a part of that. I believe that ‘helping people discover’ the love of Christ is often done through worship.
My Mission Statement:
*To love people unconditionally; to live my life so in love with Christ, that it causes them to want to fall in love with Him too.*
My tutorial leader told us that our mission statement and the different parts of our Cause will change over time. So, these things will be tweaked over the years, but I feel like it's a pretty good start.
**On Sunday I was a mess. I was ready to buy a plan ticket and go home. At church on Sunday night there was a guys-Clarence-who spoke into my life. He was in the row in front of me and he saw that I was upset, and began to tell me that I was here for a reason, and that the enemy would do anything he could to keep me from that. He just encouraged me and told me that I had a new family now, that these people have been placed in my life to hold me up and love me.
On Monday morning I was still homesick after talking with the family and Clark before school. While I was walking to school I was praying and just letting God have all my fears and sorrows, I kept saying that I wasn’t going to worry about it, and I just gave it to Him. I began singing the song, “The Battle Belongs To The Lord” and started speaking that over my life. I just began letting go of the things that were holding me down.
On Tuesday, during chapel, one of the student had 3 minutes to “Bring On The Glory” and she spoke on God fighting for us, and how the battle belongs to the Lord. :) Then on Tuesday night, during Sisterhood United Night, Bobbie spoke on some things that God had been telling her. One of which was a scripture out of 2 Chronicles 20:22-”As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men...” And she said that God had said that the battle is not ours to fight. That we are to worship, and pray, and lean into His presence, and He will fight for us.
So God confirmed twice, what He was speaking to me on Monday. He is so good! I cease to be amazed at His faithfulness. And I’m always blown away that He cares about our smallest of needs... My God is truly breathtaking. So, I’m doing much better now. I know I’m bound to have my days, and trails are certain to arise, but just as certain as these hard times will come, I am certain that He is faithful. He is faithful to deliver me. He fights for me.
‘Jesus, I will never understand why you love me so much, or why you would choose to fight for me. I’m so glad you do. I’m falling for you, more and more, with each passing moment.’
2 Chron. 20:15 - “...This is what The Lord says to you, ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not your’s, but God’s.’...”
Monday, February 15, 2010
I am completely devastated by Christ’s love. I’ve just experienced something... I can’t explain it. I don’t know what it’s about, or what God’s doing. But I don’t think I’ve ever felt or understood God in such a powerful way.
There really aren’t words. For chapel today, we did hymns and no preaching. It was all hymns. And God started doing something... I don’t know what that something is. It’s like He started tearing open my heart, my soul, my spirit and just started tearing away everything. He’s shredding everything I’ve ever know, everything I’ve ever thought...It’s like He’s rebuilding, reshaping. And I’ve never felt more pain, sorrow, joy, remorse, excitement, fear, in my life. I don’t know what He’s doing, and I’m not sure what everything means yet. But something monumental changed in me today.
There’s two things that He made clear to me, and incredibly clear... The first is that He’s taking everything I’ve ever known and tearing it apart. He’s doing open heart surgery, He’s uncovering the deepest parts of me that I never knew existed, He’s penetrating to the very core of my being. And all because HE LOVES ME. He’s ripping out every idea, every way of thinking, every sin, every soul tie, every hurt and fear, and He’s refilling. He’s remodeling. He’s pushing through to the very essence of who I am and changing everything, and it’s breathtaking.
The second thing that’s is crystal clear to me is that, He’s about to show me a completely different side of Himself. I don’t know what it is yet.. but I know today was just a glimpse-He made that clear, it’s just a glimpse-of this new side, this new thing He’s doing. But there’s so much more... There’s something going on deep below the surface and I can’t quite grasp what it is. What it is, it’s changing me in every way it possibly could. It’s like I have no idea about anything anymore. I’ve completely ripped open by the creator of the universe and it’s impossible to explain.
One thing that I was very aware of was that, while this happened during worship, and still am in this very moment, I was overwhelmed by His love for me. I was terrified, I was scared, I was shaken to the core, my world was flipped completely upside down, and I knew that He loved me. All during this ripping open process, I kept hearing Him say, “I love you. I’m doing this because I love you. Let me in, I love you. Let me have everything ounce, every inch of you. I love you.” And it shouldn’t surprise me at all, this is exactly what I’ve been asking for. This is exactly why I’m here. I want God to consume me. To fill every crack, to invade every part of me. But this was so not what I was expecting-in the best way possible. This is challenging everything I’ve ever known, everything I’ve ever thought. It’s like God re-introducing me to myself. He’s recreating me, and it’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. I don’t know what it all means, I have no idea what comes next...but I know this isn’t over. Oh no. This is just the beginning of something unimaginable. This is just a glimpse.
‘God, I don’t know what your doing. And I know I’m not supposed to. All I know is that you love me, and this is going to be the most challenging experience of my life. But you’re making me into someone I didn’t think I could ever be. You’re opening my eyes to things I thought I could never see. And I’m ready. I say Yes. Take every ounce, every inch, I don’t want it. Invade every part of my life, Jesus. I’m devastated by Your love.’
Monday, February 8, 2010
More about my life in Australia
Hey Guys! Just wanted to let you know what’s been going on lately. :)
Thursday (Feb 4th) after classes, I went to Elevate at 7:00pm. Elevate is a service done for the whole Creative Team at Hillsong--this includes both City and Hills campuses. Any student that is in one of the Creative streams (music, tv&media, dance, etc.) automatically becomes part of Hillsong’s Creative Team, so we were all at the service. Basically they just encouraged us to keep working in our gifts and finding ways to serve other through them. It was very inspiring.
Friday was United Night. This is where all the youth (ages 12-25) came together and had their weekly service. It was pretty rowdy and it seemed to go on forever... I it wasn’t my favorite service. But worship was good-as always!
Saturday I just stayed home. I decided to decorate and clean my room, record a new some, and do my devotions. It was such a peaceful day...
Sunday I had to be at church at 8am to meet with the Creative Kids team, where I’ll be doing my Fieldwork and Church Life, as a part of my studies. I’ll be helping with the worship in the kids services and doing some hands on stuff with the kids too. I’m really looking forward to it! Also, Sunday was Vision Sunday, where Pastor Brian shares with the church the vision for this next year. There was a very powerful video presentation that had a couple different testimonies from people in Hillsong Church. Basically our goal this year is to really live out Faith, Hope, and Love in our lives. We’re going to be doing some hands-on work in areas of poverty and working with people going through crisis here in our church. AND this year, Hillsong is working on planting another sister church in New York City! I’m SO excited about this. I can’t wait to see what God has planned.
The second week of intensives start tomorrow at 10:30am, I’m glad we’re not starting at 8:30 like last week. I’m really looking forward to my classes after intensives... Right now, all the first year students are all together. It will be nice to start working on more worship-specific things. But even the intensives have been really good.
So, everything is still wonderful! I still get homesick, but God is still showing up in the smallest of ways, and letting me know that He still cares about the details of my life. I’m not sure how long I’ll be here, but I know that I’m soaking up every second I can right now. I don’t want to miss out on a single thing God is going to do while I’m here. I’ve been praying for you all and I hope you’re all falling in love with Christ just as much as I am!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Powerhouse Summer Retreat and The Coming Year

Thursday-Saturday, of this past week, was Powerhouse Summer Retreat. It's basically where all the 18-25 year-olds, in our church and our sister churches, go to Central Coast and party! There's services every morning and every night, and during the day we go to the beach, or shopping, or whatever else we want.
Come To Australia!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Enrollment Day!
So, today was enrollment and auditions at college. We went to the chapel, did some worship, listened to some speaking, and then they gave us a breakdown of what our year would look like. (How cool is it to go to a college where they start enrollment day with worship? =D )
After the initial greeting, we went over to the basement of the auditorium for the paperwork and boring details of the day. Basically for the next 2 hours, I stood in lines, filled out forms, and got my picture taken. But it wasn’t all bad, I met some really great people while I was standing in all these lines! Everyone is SO nice, staff included.
The musicians were separated from the other students, and Aaron puddle, the guy who oversees Worship and Creative Arts, told us about our program. We’ll be serving in various parts of the church, hearing lectures by several leaders, and working together as a worship team. And that’s only the beginning! I’m so excited!
Auditions went really well. We stood in line forever... It was like American Idol! But much less screaming and madness. We went in one at a time and sang with a pianist or a guitarist, and there were two judges watching. I sang Mighty To Save, they seemed to like it, and I felt pretty good about it.
So, finally around 4:15, I was done! I walked over to Gloria Jean’s Coffee and got a drink and something to eat. I ended up walking home with the girls that live across from me. Sweet people... It was sprinkling as we walked home, and after I was home it started thundering. I was in such a good mood!
I’m really happy to have all that behind me. Now I’m “officially” a college student, and I’m ready for the year to start. I can’t wait to learn and experience everything God has for me and my friends! It will be a good year, indeed.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
God is so cool!
Good Morning! It’s Sunday morning and we’re getting ready to go to church. Lisa Bevere is speaking today, I can’t wait! Lana and I are jamming to Kirk Franklin while we’re waiting for the other girls to get ready. It finally rained yesterday, and it’s still rainy and overcast outside. I’m so happy!
Last night we went to the Saturday night service and heard John Bevere speak, it was so good. His sermon was titled “Honor’s Reward”, and he talked about how we can honor God and people in three ways: actions, words, and thought. He had us turn to 2 John 1:8- ‘Watch out that you do not lose what you have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully.’ ***Which is great because 3 days ago, my family read 2 John for devotions and we always journal what speaks to us from that chapter. Mom, Dad, and I all chose that verse! So, I’ve got a journal entry from the 20th of January where God’s speaking to me about being fully rewarded, and John Bevere happens to come to Hillsong and preach on that subject! God is so cool!*** So anyways, John talked about how when we choose to honor God, and people, God will also honor us. But when we dishonor God, and people, God will not honor us and we won’t receive the reward that God intends for us to have. It definitely made me think about what I say, do, and even think, about God and my peers. It was really good.
So, this morning I’m really excited to hear what Lisa has to say, and to see what God has planned for today.
~ Lord, thank you for showing me that you know exactly where I am. You are so holy, God. ~
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Making A Home
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
The Adventure Begins

Well, I’ve been in Australia for 2 days now and it’s been an interesting journey already...
Day 1- I landed in Sydney around 9:00am on Tuesday the 19th. I made my way through customs and found my baggage, then went through more security checks. I did pretty good, the only thing they confiscated was a bag of trail mix. So I pushed my huge cart of luggage out of the airport and around to where the taxis are and found a taxi. The driver informed me that he didn’t know where the McDonalds was and that I should’ve gotten an exact address. He asked around and ended up taking me to the one across from the domestic airport, a couple miles away. After hauling my luggage around McDonalds, I looked for the school shuttle and didn’t see anybody. My phone was dead and the internet wasn’t working, so I borrowed someone’s phone to call the school. I had to wait an hour before I could talk to someone, who told me I was at the wrong McDonalds but arranged for the shuttle to pick me up where I was. Finally I got the internet to work and I phoned my parents to let them know I as alive. They were relieved. When the shuttle got there, I was much less stressed and finally started to get excited about being here. I got to the school and met a bunch of new students, who helped me drop my luggage off at my house and took me shopping for some essentials. Very nice people indeed. After realizing that there wasn’t wireless internet at the school or the house-or anywhere really-I started to panic. I didn’t have a phone that worked, my only communication didn’t work because I didn’t have internet access! I had my first breakdown in the middle of the shopping mall, where Latesha (a girl I’m living with) told me that everything would be fine, that everyone feels like this at first, and that they were there for me. I was so thankful to have such supportive people. So, to close the day, the girls took me to Max Brenner’s Chocolate Cafe, which was marvelous I must say! But I was exhausted and extremely emotional so I was anticipating sleep. Finally around 11:30 I was able to go to bed.
Day 2- I woke up and used Tesha’s computer to research some internet options. After being thoroughly discouraged by that, I called Mom. As soon as I heard her voice I started crying, just as I had done each time before, and told her that I didn’t know what to do about the internet. She encouraged me, told me I was doing great and that we would get things figured out. She’s such a good Mom. I talked to Dad and Clark, and I cried with them too. I was so homesick... Tesha took me and another new student shopping for some food and other necessities. I ended up finding a wireless broadband plan that was affordable and only a 12 month contract. I was practically jumping for joy in the mall! We came home and my mattress was delivered, so I set up my bed, unpacked and organized my stuff. It was starting to feel like home already. I did devotions and read 2nd and 3rd John, and there was a verse that really spoke to me. It talked about not losing or missing out on what you’ve worked so hard to obtain. And I felt like God was saying that I couldn’t let my sorrow or worry deprive me of the beautiful opportunity and life He’s given me here. He was so right. Last night we went to Powerhouse, which is the weekly gather for 18-25 year-olds, here at Hillsong Church. I stood, finally having arrived at Hillsong, singing the songs I’ve been singing for the last 6 months in anticipation of coming. And I knew that I was exactly where I needed to be. The speaker talked about The Making Of A Warrior, how they don’t give up, they need to step up, and they need to have a cause. They have to be willing to leave their surroundings, and choose to be set apart for Christ-It was just what I needed to hear. At the end, the speaker asked if there was something we were holding onto that we needed to let go of so we could step up and live out God’s call on our lives. For me, I was holding on to the past, to my family and friends, and the comforts of my surroundings. So I gave those things to God. I chose to let go of my uncertainties and instead, I’m choosing to trust in Him for all things. Whether that be food, transportation, comfort, or internet connection; He is a faithful God. He is faithful to finish was He’s started in me!
It’s 8:44am on Thursday morning, and today, Day 3, is 10 times better than Day 1. I’m sitting in my hammock, on our back patio, in Baulkham Hills, Australia. Finally, happy, excited, and ever so sure of God’s hand on my life and His spirit inside of me. And so, the adventure begins.
~ Jesus, I thank you for your faithfulness. You are my ever present help in times of trouble. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for me over these next 10 months. With you is where I belong, and I’ve never been happier to be running hand in hand with you, towards my destiny. Let’s do this! ~