I have categorized myself as restless for a long time. I struggle with discontentment daily, and I'm not proud of that. Recently I have been intentional about leaning in and listening for what God would say in this season of my life. And you know what I'm hearing? REST. Is there anything harder for a restless person to do?
I once heard Rest described by someone that I can't remember, but the definition they gave has always stuck with me:
-- Rest is not the act of doing nothing or being still - rather it is doing everything you do from a POSITION of rest. Choosing the position of rest in Christ, we can do all the things we must do without fatiguing (mentally/spiritually/emotionally). --
I always thought this was a great definition. Though sometimes I wish rest was an excuse to sit and do nothing! I'm grappling with this thing called rest where I am in my life. I sort of know what rest looks like. I'm not sure I've ever done "rest" well though. At least not that definition of it. In my exploring what rest would look like if I chose it, I'm dwelling on this scripture:
Matthew 11:28-30
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
I'm not a bible scholar, and I'm sure so many thoughts can come from this passage, but
when I read these verses there are a couple things that I feel God is requiring of me if I want His rest:
- I have to come to him.
“Come to me, all you who weary.." I can't go to other things looking for rest.
I can't come to my husband looking for spiritual rest. My job does not provide me with His rest. Self-help books and deep breathing exercises will not bring me rest. I must come to Jesus and find rest in Him alone.
- I have to relinquish control.
"Take my yoke upon you.." There's a submitting that has to happen when I put on his yoke. I no longer choose what I want - I follow his lead and walk with him.
In my experience, control doesn't bring me rest. It brings me stress and anxiety. Control has to go. I find rest in letting Jesus take the lead.
- I have to be teachable.
"and learn from me..." I have to stop living according to what I know.
A lot of the time I try to live according to my thoughts, my ideas, and my plans. So far, that has not brought me any rest! I need something better...I need what HE knows. His thoughts, His ways, His plans. God speaks through the prophet Isaiah and says this:
"As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts."
Jesus knew how to walk in rest, so I have to come to him, submit to him, and let him teach me about rest. And I know that when I do, He promises me this:
"...you will find rest for your souls."
He says I WILL find rest. So I'm choosing to begin that journey. I'm not sure that I know the first thing about rest, but I know the one who does and I'm learning from Him.
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