I saw this quote on Pinterest today and it resounded in me because it directly addresses one of the struggles I have had in the past 6 months. TD Jakes puts it so simply. Knowing when a person's part in your story is over... Knowing can be so difficult.
This year has been one of the most wonderful and the most painful years of my life. A lot of the pain has come from people's part in my story ending. Some, all too soon. And some, though it felt all too soon, I now see was God's divine timing. Knowing it was God's timing doesn't make the pain any less real, but it certainly brings peace where before there was fear and anxiety.
Letting go has always been such a struggle for me. In nearly every season of my life, in various situations, my mother has said to me, "You must learn to hold on loosely." Not to crush this delicate thing called life/friendship/love/trust. And through the years I like to think I've gotten better at this. When I find myself clenching my fist tightly around the things and people I think I need, I'm reminded that it only brings more pain to me. If those people and things are meant to be in my life, I will not have to hold on so tightly.
What a year of learning it has been. I am thankful to God for being so patient with me through this slow learning process. I know that I'm being shaped into the image of His son and these trials are all a part of the transformation.