In other news, school is still splendid and God is still teaching me things that are blowing my mind. I'm convinced that it wouldn't hurt every Christian to do Bible College! There's just so much to learn and so many of us don't know near enough! I'm so glad that I'm here learning everything I can, it's such a privilege.
In regards to college family, things are going okay. Still loving these amazing people. However, there has been a bit of tension in the house this past week. Simple misunderstandings, miscommunications and mistaken motives, nothing too devastating at all. But when a group of people that are so close nit, even the little things cause tension. We did work through our problems, and learned from the experience, and hope handle the next situation more effectively. A good learning experience for all of us. It's good to have people in my life that are committed to relationships and growing together. Conflict is not near as painful when you have people like that.
Today in Chapel I got emotional, realizing that my time here is very limited. I feel like one day I can't wait to get out of here, and the next I'm worried about leaving! It's a good process though. I do have such a peace about the changing of seasons in my life, and this fragile time of transition is quite precious.
I shall update again later. College Break is coming up next week and I'll have 7 whole days to do whatever I please. I'm sure I'll find some space for a blog or two. :) All my love, as always!