Life is good! School is still as wonderful as ever. I still love my classes (with the exception of one) and still look forward to every lecture. Brilliant people they have working here... Musically, I've got my performance this coming Monday! I was crazy stressed about it last week, but after God did the whole, "Brianna. Chill." thing... I'm good. See, I've recognized the pattern of my thinking, and I'm working on "renewing my mind" (Rom. 12:2). It's a process, but I'm getting better. When it comes to conflict - internal or external - in my life, I tend to worry way too much, emotionally wreck myself, and expect my little mind to work things out. Later, I realize that there's no need for that when God has things under control. I could be using all that wasted energy to fan into flame the gift of God that's in me! (2 Tim. 1:6) Which brings me to my next point...(too many lectures and sermons! haha)
I've figured out that I'm not here for music. In a sense, I knew that when I came, but I'm finding more and more that music is just one of the benefits of being here. And I know as I continue to stretch and grow, I will know even more that I am here for something much bigger than music. (It's that whole, "We are saved, and we are being saved. We are healed, and we are being healed." thing. I knew, I know and I will know!) When I tell people that, some of them get a little confused and ask, "well what are you here for?" I laugh... I just say: "Open heart surgery. I came to Australia for open heart surgery." And that is so true. Oh, and brain surgery too! It's the most incredible experience. God did it as soon as I got here and He's doing it everyday... It's like, each day God breaks through another mindset, smashes another attitude, and destroys one more of those little boxes I try to put Him in. I told my housemate, "I'm wearing skinny jeans and converse, I stopped drinking coffee, and I say 'No Worries'...What's happened me?!" haha And that's the beauty of it - from mindsets to style: I'm recreating myself. Actually, I'm not recreating myself, I'm just learning how to be the woman God created me to be all along.
There's actually heaps more to tell... (They say heaps here in Australia, did I tell you that? Heaps and Loads. And they say Ta, which is short for Thank You...I like that one.) I'll try to write more soon. Less TV, more blogging!
Oh and one more thing, it's COLD here! It's Australia, no I didn't bring a winter coat! I plan to buy one soon.
So friends, rejoice in the Lord always!
~ Lord Jesus, you're brilliant. If only I could write something so powerful and unique as what you're doing in me. I love you. Help me to be the woman you've uncovered, the one you've always intended for me to be... I like her. All for you, and you alone. Ta Daddy. ~